The company Seilerei Brockamp is a family business founded in 1983 as a sole proprietorship. Initially, the main production focus was on rope manufacturing. In 2001, Seilerei Brockamp expanded based on years of experience in ropes for natural horsemanship, work halters, and bareback pads. Gradually, Seilerei Brockamp incorporated multiple products into their range.
On this page, you will find an overview of all products from Flecht und Seilerei Brockamp, abbreviated as BK. "Flecht und Seilerei" translates to "Braid and Rope Factory". These products closely resemble Parelli items and are highly suitable here. They are braided in Germany.
Brockamp rope products are manufactured in Europe, specifically in Germany. Brockamp bareback pads are made in Italy. These products do not undertake a global journey to reach our store, thereby causing less environmental impact compared to rope halters, lead ropes, and bareback pads from other parts of the world.