EDIX was founded by Sylvia Edixhoven. Before elevating the range of treeless saddles to a higher level, Sylvia developed her skills for years within the family business F.R.A. This company focuses on developing products that enable a different way of interacting with horses.
Bitless, treeless, and ironless are central to Edix. In the past, little attention was paid to treeless saddles. However, the technology, aesthetics, and user comfort of treeless saddles have rapidly evolved in recent years. There have been significant changes in horse handling practices. We are increasingly aware of what is horse-friendly.
A treeless saddle has the unique ability to adapt to the anatomy of both horse and rider. These saddles are constructed with various soft, flexible layers of distinctive materials. This design provides a more mutual feeling between you and your horse, also known as the 'close contact' feeling. This feeling allows for nearly invisible communication, where horse and rider become one in movement and companionship.
Many riders have lost this 'close contact' feeling due to the development of equine equipment. You and your horse can understand each other best when you can feel your horse well. The ability to move freely under the saddle also plays a significant role. EDIX treeless and EXIS soft tree saddles are designed to facilitate feeling between rider and horse.
Many competitive riders have been deterred by the typical appearance of treeless saddles. EDIX has introduced the soft tree saddle line, offering a completely treeless saddle with the appearance of a traditional saddle. This saddle allows you to present yourself in the traditional dressage world while meeting new awareness and fulfilling the horse's needs to move freely under the saddle.