



    Horsena Horsena is an Italian brand of equestrian equipment, characterized by a deep-seated drive for innovation and versatility. The brand belongs to Benetti Hub Ltd, a company involved in the design, engineering, and production of equestrian products. Although the company is a startup founded in 2021, it boasts profound knowledge of the equestri Show more





    2 Products
    Side cover Stirrup POLY TECH

    Side cover Stirrup POLY TECH

    Interchangeable covers for the Horsenae safety s...
    In stock
    Stirrup POLY TECH

    Stirrup POLY TECH

    This is the latest generation safety stirrup, a ...
    In stock


    Horsena is an Italian brand of equestrian equipment, characterized by a deep-seated drive for innovation and versatility. The brand belongs to Benetti Hub Ltd, a company involved in the design, engineering, and production of equestrian products. Although the company is a startup founded in 2021, it boasts profound knowledge of the equestrian market. This is because the person leading it has collaborated closely with horses, both as a rider and on an industrial level.

    Horsena represents the necessary evolution in a continuously growing market like equestrian sports. Nowadays, riders face a wide range of products, often underperforming, and struggle to choose the product that truly benefits the horse. Horsena aims to bridge this gap. The evolution consists of finding authentic and concrete answers to the needs of both horse and rider, striving to enhance their well-being and performance.

    Background of Horsena

    Born and raised in the family business, Vittoria Benetti is the Chief Executive Officer of the company. She has learned the values and necessary skills to create products that contribute to the well-being and performance of both horse and rider.

    Vision of Horsena

    Horsena aims to contribute to new knowledge in the equestrian industry. In this way, we empower riders and provide them with the necessary awareness to know how to choose the products that best suit their needs.

    Mission of Horsena

    We offer a range of original and functional products characterized by engaging and modern design, whether the rider rides at a professional or amateur level.

    Made in Europe and environmentally conscious

    Made in Italy: Horsena products are manufactured in Italy, guaranteeing quality, authenticity, style, and attention to detail.

    Horsena products and their packaging are fully recyclable. The brand is committed to using certified materials and low-impact production processes.


    In line with the principle of respect for the horse, Horsena products are designed to truly benefit the horse by improving safety and comfort.

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