


    Horse feed low in protein




    4 Products
    Pferdgerecht Futter Natur 15kg

    Pferdgerecht Futter Natur 15kg

    Horse-friendly Futter Natur muesli bag 15kg. Organic horse muesli as nature intended. 100% natural muesli with a digestion-stimulating mix of bark and leaves

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    Struktur Natur Timothee Cobs

    Struktur Natur Timothee Cobs

    Nature's Best Struktur Natur Timothee Cobs, timothy hay chunks, is a supplementary feed for horses. Available in bags of 15 kg.

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    Protein Light flakes 15kg

    Protein Light flakes 15kg

    Agrobs PreAlpin Protein light flakes consists of low-protein grass varieties and is made without press aids or protein-reducing additives such as straw or bran.

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    Leichtgenuss 12,5kg

    Leichtgenuss 12,5kg

    Agrobs Leightgenuss is a special forage mix developed for thrifty horses or horses that quickly gain weight. The product contains 40% less energy than other forage products.

    In stock
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