


    Support Physio bareback pad

    299,-* 2 pieces in stock, shipping in 1-3 working days
    Ride on Pad Physio Support Bareback-Pad, ein Bareback-Pad mit Knierollen und Rückenbogen, das dem Fahrer mehr Unterstützung bietet. Zusätzliches Pad mit Einsätzen an der Unterseite des Bareback-Pads für mehr Komfort für das Pferd.... Show more
    4 variations brown, pony-cob
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    Product description

    Barefoot Ride on Pad Physio Support bareback pad

    A bareback pad with knee rolls and a rear arch that provide more support to the rider. Additional padding with inserts on the underside of the bareback pad for more comfort for the horse.

    • Size Pony-Cob or Horse-Cob
    • Color Brown or Black
    • Knee roll for rider leg support
    • Horse-friendly girth system
    • Inserts for better pressure distribution and spinal freedom
    • Non-slip soft Sympanova underside
    • With nylon handle
    • Anatomically shaped
    • Delivery excluding girth

    Advantages of the Ride on Pad Physio Support:

    • High quality
    • V-girth system for even pressure distribution
    • Non-slip soft Sympanova underside
    • Light non-slip upper side
    • Anatomically shaped
    • Cut-back wither area
    • Inserts for additional spine protection and better pressure distribution
    • Large knee roll for rider leg support


    • The well-known Barefoot girth strap patches are not included as standard because they can sometimes interfere with leg contact. However, they can be ordered separately.
    • Less freedom of seat

    The bareback pad is ideal for:

    • Horses/ponies with medium to high withers
    • Riders who feel insecure without support
    • Beginners

    Less suitable for:

    Riders who are looking for a close contact feel and a free seat.

    Pressure distribution and spinal freedom with the bareback pad:

    The bareback pad is filled with thick high-density foam. Underneath, there is a removable (half) pad with inserts that provides some spinal freedom and additional pressure distribution. This makes the bareback pad suitable for approximately 4-5 times per week use. Additionally, the bareback pad is equipped with a V-girth system, which evenly distributes the girth pressure.


    The underside is equipped with removable "cushions" that can be opened to adjust the inserts. The Ride on Pad Physio Support barebackpad comes with 2 pairs of inserts: both the softer standard PU foam inserts and the slightly firmer foam rubber inserts. Depending on the conformation of your horse, you can use 1 or both inserts in the saddle cushions, or cut 1 set of inserts to fill the front, back, or middle section extra for horses with a challenging back.

    No stirrup leathers with the bareback pad!

    To prevent pressure on the vertebrae, stirrups cannot be attached to the Ride-On-Pad Physio Support. Furthermore, the rider gains a false sense of security and is less encouraged to train an independent seat with stirrups.

    Size Barefoot Ride on Pad Physio Support:

    The bareback pad is available in size

    • Pony-Cob, suitable for ponies and riders with women's clothing size 32-38, back length 53cm, side length 48cm.
    • Horse-Cob, suitable for large ponies and horses and riders with women's clothing size 40-44, back length 60cm, side length 53c

    Please note that there is a price difference between the sizes!

    Colors of the Barefoot Barebackpad:

    The Barefoot Ride on Pad Physio Support is available in the colors brown and black.


    Topside: Synthetic suede
    Inside: High-density foam
    Underside: Non-slip Sympanova
    Girth straps: Nylon
    Inserts: Foam rubber and PU foam

    Not included:

    Delivery of this bareback pad does not include a girth, so you can choose/use a dressage girth according to your preference. The bareback pad is equipped with dressage girth straps. The length of the girth depends on the size of your horse.


    Due to the Sympanova underside that does not absorb moisture and is breathable, the bareback pad does not need to be washed frequently. You can wipe the underside with a damp sponge if desired. If you still want to wash the bareback pad, it is best to rinse it in a tub during the summer. It is too large for a washing machine.


    5 from 5Based on 2 reviews
    Create your own review
    5 from 5
    Ik ben heel tevreden over deze barebackpad. Ik rijd aanzienlijk meer met de barebackpad dan met het zadel, het zit echt heel stevig. Door de kniewrongen, het achterboogje heb je veel meer grip voor onverwachte bewegingen, wat heel fijn is
    Posted by: Lieke Goverts on 29 August 2022
    5 from 5
    Super fijne pad. Ik heb er meerdere uitgeprobeerd en vond deze het beste. Ik heb goed contact met mijn paard zonder haar te storen. Hier rij ik mijn paard nu mee in en dit gaat super. Ik zit super stevig en netjes rechtop. De wrongen storen niet.
    Posted by: Bibi on 23 July 2022

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    Support Physio bareback pad
    Support Physio bareback pad
    brown, pony-cob
    2 pieces in stock, shipping in 1-3 working days
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