Agrobs Pferdeweide Sensitiv Horse Meadow Grass Seed
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- Read HERE when you can pick up the horse feed in our store
- Special for the horse meadow
- Grass seeds from the Bavarian Alps
- WITHOUT herbs
- 3 and 10kg
Horse pasture vs cow pasture:
A horse pasture is a food source for the horse. At the same time, our horses are also flight and deer animals. So, your soil and chosen grass should be suitable as a food source but also be able to withstand a blow from a horse hoof. A cow must produce milk or meat from its pasture grass. A horse doesn't have to, but it is ridden on it, which is mostly recreational and therefore doesn't need as many nutrients as a cow to produce milk or meat. A cow pasture is therefore often too nutritious for horses, which is why it's important to sow a horse pasture with grasses that are suitable for horses. Another important difference between cows and horses is that a cow has four stomachs and a horse only has one. The digestive system of a horse is designed to digest fibers. Fibers are mainly found in the stems of grass and less in the grass leaves. So, as the grass grows, it is important for it to have a stem. These points have been given priority by Agrobs in the development of a grass seed mixture specifically for horses.
Special features:
Agrobs Sensitiv horse grass seed is a carefully chosen mix of long and short grass varieties by Agrobs. Unlike Agrobs Pre Alpin grass seed, it contains no healthy herbs to enrich the meadow. Specifically for horses that are sensitive to herbs, hence the name Agrobs Sensitiv horse grass seed. The grasses come from the Bavarian Alpine foreland. Together, the grass varieties provide a generous feed yield. Together, the varieties quickly form a dense turf, which means the grass recovers quickly after grazing and has a long lifespan due to the dense soil.
Paddock Management:
For optimal horse paddock it's helpful to:
- alternate grazing and mowing
- not overgraze
- not graze when the soil is wet
- regularly rotate grazing (long rest period, short grazing period)
- don't let the grass be grazed shorter than 5-6 cm
- drag and roll the paddock in spring
- mow after grazing
- immediately reseed bare patches and walkways.
Ideal for:
- new sowing of your horse pasture
- after sowing of your horse pasture
- all soil types
Recommended seeding method:
- New seeding 30kg per hectare
- After seeding 10kg per hectare Best seeding time is early spring or beginning of October. Seeding depth 1cm. For best results, mow after the grass has reached a length of 15-20cm after seeding.
25% Timothy grass
10% Kropaar Intensiv
10% Kropaar Berta
20% Meadow fescue
5% Field barley grass
2% Fox tail grass
3% Smooth oats
25% Red fescue
Delivery, pick-up or shipping:
- Read HERE about the shipping costs and conditions for horse feed
- Read HERE when you can pick up the horse feed at our store
There is no free shipping for horse feed.
Horse feed is never shipped for free, even when the order is larger than 99,- euro. This is due to the weight, which means that the bales and bags have to be packaged in different packages and most products have to be shipped individually. If you order 10 bales/bags at 15kg each, you can expect them to be delivered in 5 to 10 packages.
Agrobs is a European product.
Agrobs horse feed is produced in Europe, Germany. It does not have to travel around the world to reach our store and therefore has a smaller environmental impact compared to horse feed from other regions. The production meets high European environmental and social standards.